Monday, February 25, 2013

Motivation Monday: Streamline

If you are like me, you wake up late and scurry around to make a lunch; feed the cat; clean out the litter box; make the bed; wake up the husband (typically two or three attempts required); get ready; and leave the house (late) with wet hair. Every night I promise myself I will wake up at 6:15am, go for a run, have a cup of coffee and not rush. And every morning, I do the same song and dance of running late.

So, when I read in my People Style Watch about ways to streamline your mornings, I thought I would share!
  1. Answer Emails At The Office: Guilty of this every morning. I like to answer my emails before I leave for work; it actually is a stress reliever for me. But, I will try this to see if my mornings are expedited.
  2. Try Dry Shampoo: I have heard this from a few people now. I realized I'm one of the weird ones that washes my hair daily (sometimes twice a day!). Most women wash their hair every other day - some go longer. My hair stylist says it is good for your hair, and it will prevent your hair from becoming oily. I know I need to try this method but maybe I will start with a dry shampoo first.
  3. Have a Few Go-To Outfit Options Ready: Done. While I shower, I think of what to wear; so, this process is pretty seamless (hehe, like the pun?!). Unless I'm having a "everything looks horrible on me" kind of day. Well, then I'm screwed.
  4. Keep Your Alarm Clock At A Distance: Okay - I will try this. I might still find sneaky ways to snooze, however. I'll report back!
  5. Prep Your Bender: I do not normally have smoothies in the morning but we did purchase an awesome blender. So, maybe this should become a part of my morning routine!
  6. Go For All-In-One Beauty Products: I only put on lotion, blemish cream and mascara in the morning; so, I'm not sure how else to simplify this routine. But, here is a link to the product featured in my magazine.
  7. Do As Much As Possible The Night Before: Pack your gym bag, make your lunch, lay out your outfit, check your work emails and write your blog. This might solve ALL the issues...except the snooze button. Hmm...
Enjoy your work week!

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