Thursday, August 29, 2013

Feels Good Friday: B-Ball Game

For my brother-in-law's birthday, we checked out Southpaw Social Club and then hit up a Cubbies game at Petco Park last Saturday.

At Southpaw, the drinks were southern inspired and the food was delicious! The, so. I enjoyed an Afternoon Tea which includes vanilla chai tea, mint, vodka and lemonade. And then had the Dixieland Delight with strawberry lemonade, balsamic reduction, gin and basil. I got my nom nom on with a griddled black bean and veggie patty with avocado and tomato - so good!

Then to the game to watch the Cubbies actually beat the Padres - that's an unusual occurrence.

After the game, it was Bubs then Maloney's. Then home.

Happy birthday, Sean!

Thrifty Thursday: Fall Forward #4

Midi skirts! Each season it seems like we play around with our skirt length. Last year, we re-introduced the maxi skirt. This fall? It's all about just above the ankle and just below the knee. Check it out!
F21 $14.80

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What's New Wednesday: Lyft

I first heard about Lyft, a San Diego ride-share program distinguished by the over-the-top pink mustache, from my friend, Nicole and this past weekend had an opportunity to try it out for myself!

The idea is similar to Uber - a nontraditional taxi service, ridding of the impetuous cab ride. You request a ride via your mobile device, get picked up in a personal vehicle and only pay a suggested donation.

On Saturday, the hubs and I used it to go to the Padres game. The ride was quite an experience being picked up in with a guy dressed as a pirate, a talking puppet, pirate music and pirate hats for us to don! The driver was very pleasant, ensuring we were comfortable, informed and hydrated. He explained the process - he rates us as the customer and then we have an opportunity to rate him. Upon arrival, Lyft provides a suggested donation that includes time, mileage and tip. As customers, we have agency to pay as little or as much as we want! The total cost from Pacific Beach to Padres Stadium (approximately 14-miles) was $25 (that includes tip!). Not only is it a more pleasant ride but it's economical! Try it out!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: S'mores

Going camping this Friday; so, S'mores and other camping related snacks are on the brain. Check out this updated S'more recipe! Strawberry Banana S'Mores: WHAT?! Yum! Here is the recipe.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Motivation Monday: Inner Voice

I had to make a big decision last week - one that was not clear but had the potential to change things drastically. I know I'm being vague but the decision itself isn't my point of today's post. It's how I arrived at my decision that matters; by listening to my inner voice. Man, this was tough as I had lots of wonderful, thoughtful perspectives. Great advice from every friend and family member, but when it came down to it I had to find my inner voice - my inner monologue. It took time for me to listen but I finally heard it loud and clear!

What is your inner voice? An instinct: a hunch, an impression.

Why is it so difficult to allow your inner voice to be heard? We inherently mistrust ideas without evidence to support them. We want to be right when making important decisions and are able to convince ourselves if we can trace our argument from beginning to end. Moreover, we're easily swayed by the opinions of others that contradict our instincts, especially if concrete evidence exists to contradict it.

And how do you listen to your inner voice?
  1. Pause. If you're uncomfortable and don't know the reason, don't assume there isn't one. It may not be a good one, but a reason does exist. In the heat of the moment, it's often difficult to identify it so we often ignore what we're feeling for the sake of making a decision.
  2. Listen, not just to your mental concerns but to your body as well. Discomfort with a decision often manifests as physical symptoms such as nausea, insomnia, agitation. You may easily miss these as signs that you're uncomfortable with the decision you've made or are about to make, but if you pay attention you'll likely find you have the same physical reactions to ignoring your inner voice time after time.
  3. Hone your instincts. If we're going to rely on our gut, especially make sure your inner voice is as accurate as possible as often as possible. The more often you're able to recognize why you have the instinctual reactions you do, the more comfortable you'll become that your instincts can be trusted.
Remember. We are the creators of our own destiny. Open yourself to hear, listen and trust your inner voice. Happy Monday!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Fall Forward #3

Leather jackets are back again and can make any outfit look effortlessly cool. Try with a graphic tee and ripped jeans. Or, don with a sparkling, long dress to add a rocker-inspired look. Or just throw on over a girly, flowery dress. You cannot go wrong sporting a leather jacket this fall.

Looking for inexpensive ways to own a leather jacket? Go faux! See below for jackets available at Forever21, ranging as low as $32-$48.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

What's New Wednesday: Paddle Boarding

Not new for everyone, I know. But new for me! Paddle boarding is such a fun, relaxing pastime (in addition to a leg, arm and stomach workout). I have only tried this twice (thanks to my b.i.l.'s paddle board rental! thanks, Sean!), but I have really enjoyed my experience. I would like to do this at least once a week - it's just so peaceful out there in the water. Have you tried this new water activity?

Want to try yoga on a paddle board? Are you up for the challenge? Check out my former co-worker's stand up paddle board yoga classes with Yoga Luna!

Tasty Tuesday: Healthy Pasta

I know - healthy pasta? That's a conundrum. But seriously - we found, made and devoured a healthy (yet appetizing) pasta: marinated tomato and mozzarella pasta! Check it out!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Motivation Monday: Cell Free

For many people, the cell phone has morphed into an appendage, permanently attached and always within reach. But honestly, it is extremely distracting being out with someone that cannot just put his/her cell phone down for a drink/dinner/conversation. So, if you have a hunch that you might be someone that uses your cell phone incessantly, I implore you to go on a digital diet.

Now, don't get me wrong. Cell phones have a very important purpose - family emergencies, personal emergencies, work and of course connecting us with loved ones. But if you cannot get through a lunch without responding to a text message or relentlessly perusing Facebook, then there is an issue.

I'm guilty of this as well, and I'm making a cognizant effort to be present when I'm out with my husband, friends or family. I now keep my phone in my purse, out of reach and on silent. I find this to be very effective. The only time I check it is if I'm waiting on someone or if my dinner date goes to the bathroom. But honestly, I barely think about it. And when I'm home, I plug it in and only look at it if I'm expecting a call. This method might be frustrating to some because I'm infamous for missing calls. But I have made a huge effort to always return calls within 24-hours.

According to my research, studies have shown that cell phones and digital technology are negatively affecting interpersonal relationships. That's not good! Technology should be something we can control; not the other way around.

Your answer? Go on a diet. I encourage you (and myself) to take this challenge.
  • When on vacation, unplug. Don't check Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Only look at your work emails if your job requires immediate responses (but keep within reason; maybe just respond to emails the first 15-minutes of your day). And ONLY look at your phone if necessary.
  • At dinner with your significant other, friend, family-member or co-worker, put the cell phone away - either in your pocket or purse. And stop thinking about it.
  • At home, be engaged with your spouse, children, family or roommates. Be in the moment. Be present.
  • Experience something first. Post on Facebook later. How many times do we update our status in the middle of something fun (or tragic). What's up with that? I do this as well. But if you think about it - it's silly.
  • Leave your phone behind if you go on a walk, to the beach, the gym or whenever you really don't need it. Disconnect for a while.
That's it! You can do it! Do not surrender yourself to that little machine (that may or may not give you brain cancer. I tease.). I think this diet is a necessary for everyone; so, let's try to shed some digital over usage!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Feels Good Friday: Friends

My neighbor and friend, Lisa hosted another meat fest last Saturday. No, not that kind. The BBQ kind. And it was a blast to just eat, drink and hang with friends. That's just what the doctor ordered - food, fun games and catch-up time with peeps. Thanks, Lisa!

And that concludes another Feel Good Friday. =)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Thrifty Thursday: Fall Forward #2

Continuing with my fall trends, let's explore the new color for this autumn. It's vibrant, beautiful and versatile: gray. Okay, I'm being a bit facetious but gray is such an easy palette for anyone to wear. And it can look casual, professional or dressy. Check it out!

H&M $24.95
F21 $13.80

F21 $16.80

Gray versus grey. Do you know the difference? Learn something new today.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What's New Wednesday: Vanoos Grillete

I love me some Greek food, and our recent Words Alive intern led us to a little hole in the wall joint, one-block from the ocean: Vanoos Grillette.

With it's purple awning, butterfly logo (think Leroy!) and HUGE dishes, I think I found my go-to Greek. Check it out! It's inexpensive, authentic and yummy. Try the falafel - it was delicious.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Eat Slim

According to my good friend and fellow blogger, Lauren Conrad (truth is she doesn't know me but I stalk follow her blog for good ideas and inspiration). Okay, so now that my relationship with Lauren is clear, I'm going to do another bag, borrow and steal bit. Check out these foods that help with the belly bulge.
  1. Low-fat yogurt: Yogurt not only has calcium but it is also a probiotic that fights fat storage and prevents bloat. Go yogurt! Wait, isn't that a product now? Smart advertising.
  2. Almonds: These yummy snacks are packed with healthy fats that reduce food cravings while building muscle. And Trader Joes has them in a variety of flavors for little money. 
  3. Watermelon: This summer staple is full of 92% water which actually helps flush extra water from your system and reduces puffiness.
  4. Oatmeal: This morning routine maintains blood sugar levels to alleviate the crash and binge. Plus it's full of fiber so it will keep you satiated.
  5. Garlic: This breathe destroyer helps reduce fat in the liver, detoxifies and lessens bloating. To maximize its benefits, take a few fresh slivers of garlic and sandwich them between two thinly sliced apple wedges and smear them with a little honey. Eat this before bed to reap all the benefits. Yeah, I'm not sure about that one either...
  6. Raspberries: Raspberries, strawberries and blueberries are packed with fiber, which keeps you feeling full longer. Plus they are full of vitamin C, which is good for your immune system as well as your skin.
  7. Avocado: This California snack is loaded with lots of healthy fats that burn fat while providing your body with energy.
  8. Quinoa: This is all the rage (@Trader Joes) and is packed with protein and fiber so it keeps you feeling full longer.
There you go! Eat yourself slim!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Motivation Monday: Calm Your Nerves

2012 awards ceremony with three of my scholarship students, Jessika, Cynthia and Brittany!
On Tuesday, Words Alive is hosting its 2013 Words Alive Westreich Scholarship awards ceremony. This will be my fourth year presenting the scholars, and for some reason this year I have a lot of pressure - from the founder being in the audience for the first time, potential media, over 50-minutes of presentation and of course, my emotional tribute to Leroy. To say the least, I'm nervous to stumble and cry. Well to be honest, every year I cry which has become a joke amongst the scholarship students - "oh look, Chrissy is crying over us again!" LOL! But this year, I'm not sure I will be even able to speak giving a eulogy-like speech about how much Leroy meant to Words Alive and me. But, I'm employing some relaxation tips. Check 'em out!

Borrowed from Rejuvenation Lounge. Thanks, Carole!
  1. Melt the frown. Smile and release the worry.  It takes energy to hold a tense, tight frown on your forehead. Check in with your forehead now – lose the frown then relax the skin across your forehead. Notice how you release the pressure in your temples as well when you melt the frown. Un-clench your jaw, relax your tongue (very important) and part your teeth slightly. This will help release facial and neck tension.  You might even notice your shoulders relaxing and dropping at the same time.
  2. Take a chill pill. Close your eyes, cup the palms of your hands over your ears, now listen to the sounds of the ocean playing inside your head. Continue until you feel your nerves a little less frazzled, your thoughts a little calmer and your breathing more relaxed.
  3. Repeat a calming mantra: Use your thoughts to fuel your body with a constant stream of calming and relaxing thoughts. Mantras work because they take your focus away from the stress and drama (just for a moment) and invite more peace into your life. 
  4. Take a mental health break: A less crowded mind means your nervous system is calmer.  Take regular breaks from too much thinking and bring your awareness back into your body. Do your best to have an enjoyable morning and afternoon tea away from your desk in a pleasant environment. Listen to the requests of your body; drink when thirsty, stretch and move when you need to and never skip a meal. An added bonus; A quiet mind has direct access to wisdom and insight.
  5. Hug well and hug often: Give a hug or receive a hug, either way hug well and hug often. Hugging and cuddling is therapeutic, healing and calming.
  6. Cancel, clear, delete your energy drains: Notice what zaps your precious energy and reduce your exposure to gossip, shopping centers, busy places, certain friends or family members.
  7. Hum your worries away: Time to Hum. Place your hand on top of your head, smile, now start humming.
I actually feel calmer just copying and editing this text. I will definitely try this Tuesday morning!
Least favorite pastime, public speaking. Oh vey!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Feels Good Friday: Pre-Season

Football is back! Football is back! Bear's played Friday. Lost. But still, football season is upon us. And that feels good. Da Bears!

Thrifty Thursday: Fall Forward #1

Fall is by far my favorite season - I love the crispness in the air, cooler weather, rain and of course, Halloween. And as far as fashion, I love scarves, chunky sweaters, boots and plaid. So, here are some trends I'm looking forward to implementing this fall.

First off? Camo! Funny enough; I still have my summer BDUs (battle dress uniform) from my "Army" days (I put this in quotations as I like to tease that I "played" Army for a bit). =) Kidding aside, camo is back in a big way. Well, military in general: utility jackets, military inspired coats, and even Americana. Check out these three ways to integrate into your closet.
F21 $37.80
F21 $10.80

F21 $22.99

For men? It's less subtle. Think structured, military shirt. Or, a fatigue sweater. Or watch.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What's New Wednesday: Town Council

One of my pet peeves are when people complain but don't do anything to improve {blank} situation. So in effort to walk-the-walk, I decided to join the Pacific Beach (PB) Town Council this past May. With just a commitment of $30/year and a meeting once a month, this is a simple way to give back to your community and make a difference. My goals are to create more opportunities for my neighbors to beautify our streets (e.g., beach clean-ups, graffiti removal, trash pick-up), plan more community building events (think PB Block Party), and be the voice of a younger generation. If you have concerns, issues and ideas in regards to your neighborhood, I encourage you to attend your local town council meetings!

*The PB Town Council meets the third Wednesday of the month from 6pm-8pm at the Pacific Beach Women's Club (1721 Hornblend Street, San Diego, CA 92109).

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Pesto Chicken

The hubby and I are trying to get back into healthy routines - enjoying our time together, making meals on Sunday, being active and appreciating life. It's so easy to get into a rut; so, it's important to take a step back and remember that life is short!

So, starting small we made a meal together this past weekend: Chicken Pesto. Check it out!
You can find the recipe here.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Motivation Monday: Tough Decisions

Favorite pastime: blogging & sipping wine
Have you had to make a difficult decision lately? Or anticipate a touch decision on the horizon? Here are four easy, tangible steps in making a life changing decision.
  1. Be well rested. You should never make a major life or career decision tired or mentally drained.  If you’re running on limited sleep, make sure to get some shut-eye before contemplating the big ticket items.
  2. Fuel up. In the same vein as lack of sleep, hunger also affects your ability to make a decision - at least a smart decision. Same goes for a bad diet. It's suggested to maintain a balanced diet with a variety of lean meats, veggies, some fruits and healthy fats. What you choose to put in your belly can go a long way in combating decision-making fatigue.
  3. Morning time: Studies suggest that you are better prepared to make tough decisions in the morning hours. Simply stated - as you get further into the day, you are faced with more decisions. So, it's preferable to make your big decisions early on while your brain is still fresh. With that said, you will be forced to make decisions later in the day. So what do you do? One way is to prepare for contingencies. Check out this example. President Obama makes sure that there are only two suits in his closet - a blue and a grey one. Less choices for him to make early morning. Obama is required to make important decisions all day, every day and of course he can’t schedule when emergencies happen. So by limiting his choices for mundane tasks - like selecting his suit - he is saving energy for the important decisions.
  4. Self reflect: Ask yourself, “Is this decision one that I feel strongly about or is it one that I feel I 'should' make because of family, co-workers, peers or societal pressure?” Everyone is capable of being overly influenced by others and outside factors. It is important to understand where and how said influences are affecting your perspective. It's okay to receive guidance about a decision but you need to be cognizant and ensure your choices are to make you happy. Not others. 
See - simple ways to make any decision easier. If you have a decision to make in the near future, I encourage you to follow these manageable steps. And best of luck!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Just a lil' post...

I really have sucked at the blog this week. I was late, missed a day, and provided little to no information. What's up with that? No excuse!

With that said, my horoscope did indicate this past week was going to be a challenge...I think the words "catastrophic disaster" were used. While it wasn't THAT bad, I have been in a slump - feeling down about silly matters. Not focusing on the good in my life. And feeling pathetically sorry for myself.

So today I thought I would highlight things that make me happy!! Courtesy of my camera phone, here are things that put a smile on my face. And if you are feeling similarly, I suggest trying this as well - it's a great exercise. I already feel uplifted.

The perfect napkin description stationed within my bar tray.
A very sleepy Marley...
A half-eaten bag of all "red" Starburst.
A plant a friend gave me that is thriving in the backyard.
The bookmark my M.I.L. made in memory of Leroy that rests next to a picture of us.
My growing garden!
 And of course the reminder on my bookshelf...