Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Eat Slim

According to my good friend and fellow blogger, Lauren Conrad (truth is she doesn't know me but I stalk follow her blog for good ideas and inspiration). Okay, so now that my relationship with Lauren is clear, I'm going to do another bag, borrow and steal bit. Check out these foods that help with the belly bulge.
  1. Low-fat yogurt: Yogurt not only has calcium but it is also a probiotic that fights fat storage and prevents bloat. Go yogurt! Wait, isn't that a product now? Smart advertising.
  2. Almonds: These yummy snacks are packed with healthy fats that reduce food cravings while building muscle. And Trader Joes has them in a variety of flavors for little money. 
  3. Watermelon: This summer staple is full of 92% water which actually helps flush extra water from your system and reduces puffiness.
  4. Oatmeal: This morning routine maintains blood sugar levels to alleviate the crash and binge. Plus it's full of fiber so it will keep you satiated.
  5. Garlic: This breathe destroyer helps reduce fat in the liver, detoxifies and lessens bloating. To maximize its benefits, take a few fresh slivers of garlic and sandwich them between two thinly sliced apple wedges and smear them with a little honey. Eat this before bed to reap all the benefits. Yeah, I'm not sure about that one either...
  6. Raspberries: Raspberries, strawberries and blueberries are packed with fiber, which keeps you feeling full longer. Plus they are full of vitamin C, which is good for your immune system as well as your skin.
  7. Avocado: This California snack is loaded with lots of healthy fats that burn fat while providing your body with energy.
  8. Quinoa: This is all the rage (@Trader Joes) and is packed with protein and fiber so it keeps you feeling full longer.
There you go! Eat yourself slim!

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