Monday, October 28, 2013

Motivation Monday: Be a better friend...

With the slow demise of a good friendship, the idea of being a better friend has been on my mind lately. While I firmly believe it takes two to make or break a relationship, I know I need to work on being the kind of friend that I would like to have in my life. So, here are some good reminders from Tiny Buddha.
  1. Be who you truly are—be that vulnerable–and provide the other person the space, safety and choice to do the same. 
  2. Be genuinely happy when your friend gets, receives, or achieves something you truly desire.
  3. Share the truth in your heart, without the fear of misunderstanding. 
  4. Be loyal and forgive; but above all: love and respect. 
  5. Accept the person as they are, as an individual, without conditions. Also, as important as it is for you to be there for them, sometimes you have to be willing to let them be there for you.
  6. Keep your word and acknowledge when you don’t.
  7. Show up! You can pretend to care but you cannot pretend to show up.
  8. A true friend is someone you feel as comfortable with as you do when you are by yourself.
  9. Don’t let your own stuff get in the way. The ego is powerful. 
  10. Know someone’s least admirable characteristics and still love and support them.

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