Monday, November 4, 2013

Motivation Monday: Be Thankful

November is here, holidays are upon us and the ubiquitous thankful posts are scattered throughout social media. This brings me to my Monday post.

Naturally being someone that is incessantly analyzing and obsessing over every conversation had throughout a day, the never-ending work load, a flake of dust in my home, a fat roll, and what others might think of me, I easily become distracted and unappreciative of the amazing people, animals and things in my life.

So, today I'm forcing myself to step back and be grateful for what life has brought me - to my amazing friendship and marriage to Nick, to my upcoming visit with my dad, to great friends near and far, to a job - while frustrating at times - allows me to work with scholarship students I learn from everyday.

And with this realization that I do have a good life - even if I cry over the loss of family and friends that are no longer here, or dislike the reflection in the mirror, or get angry because I cannot control everything or anyone - I need to make the idea of thankfulness a habit. But for today, I'm just grateful for the reminder that life is a gift.

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