Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014: The List

I have heard an inordinate amount of times that 67% of people fail to accomplish their New Year's resolutions. Will that stop me? No. I think the New Year is a time to start over - it's my excuse for a clean slate. So, I enjoy creating resolutions to better myself professionally, personally and physically. Here is my list.
  1. Do more. I talk a big game but haven't been much of a doer in the recent years. In my early twenties, I didn't think - I just did. Now, to be honest that kind of spontaneity got me in some trouble (think: Army). But, I would like to employ that "throw caution to the wind" attitude and experience more. So, first thing is first. The hubby and I are planning a trip to Ireland. There, I put it in print, which means we need to go. Right, honey? =)
  2. Go to the doctor. Albeit I'm a bit of a hypochondriac (I admit it!), I do think I need to get an annual physical to address any issues. I hate the doctor - literally avoid appointments at all cost. But I need to set a good example for my husband. I also need to face my fear of needles; this is getting ridiculous - I'm 32-years old! Moreover, I would like to consider an anti-depressant. I know I'm not supposed to shout that all over the "internets" but I'm not ashamed. Since my mother passed away 11-years ago, I haven't been the same and being happy is somewhat of a challenge. I have tried to conquer this battle on my own but I think it's time for more professional help. 
  3. Make more meals. Um, well how about make meals! And not soup, toast, quesadillas or grilled cheese I typically prepare. I want to spend time with the hubby, making meals together. And trying for healthier options. 
  4. Learn a language. Okay. Make steps towards learning a language. My husband and I really want to speak Italian. Last year I made the resolution to take Italian classes. Well, that didn't happen so I'm putting it back on the list.
  5. Appreciate the great outdoors. Take walks, hike, swim, run by the ocean, go to the park. I want to unplug - not watch television (as much), get off the computer and put my phone down. I just want to appreciate nature.
  6. Be a better friend, family member and wife. Period. 
  7. Appreciate my body. With every picture I cringe - my immediate urge is to delete from my phone, computer, Facebook, Instagram. But I need to remember that looks are fleeting and that I should appreciate what my body can do - run, Bar Method, Insanity, bike rides, paddle board, swim, etc. Instead of concerning myself with an unflattering photo, I need to focus my energy on my health.
  8. Create professional goals. While I am proud of my accomplishments thus far, I have a strong sense I'm capable of more responsibility. So, I need to create a clear, strategic plan in order to not be stagnant in my career. 
  9. Become more active in my community. I joined the PB Town Council last year, but I haven't done much with my role. I would like to expand upon my commitment and create more of an impact - whether that be running for Traffic Commissioner, volunteering more or organizing more events for my neighbors.
  10. Restructure 30andfaddy. Towards the end of 2013, I became lazy with my blog; so, I would like to revamp the site in order to fit my needs and create more interesting content for my readers.
What are your resolutions? Regardless of your goals, here's to a new year! Welcome 2014!

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