Monday, January 6, 2014

Motivation Monday: Channeling

I read recently that an effective way to relieve anxiety is to channel said emotion into excitement. That sparked my interest as I'm an anxiety-ridden person, especially as of late. With so many thoughts running through my mind daily, the idea of turning my nervous energy into positive sounds like a vacation on the beautiful seven-mile, white sandy beaches of Negril (ah, Jamaica!). So, I decided to investigate further - I mean, think about it. Anxiety and excitement have very similar physical affects - butterflies in the stomach, shortness of breath, racing heart beat, sweaty palms and inability to think clearly. Sound familiar?

If you are facing some big challenges at work - like a presentation, merger, an impossible project, or have a large social commitment such as a wedding, party, etc, here are some steps to alleviate your stress and shift into excitement.
  1. Don’t think, jump into action. Don't allow your mind a moment to process but rather focus on something to do. Put your energy towards accomplishing a task. Distraction - while being productive - is sometimes the best medicine.
  2. Know the things that restore you to your center; do them. I personally find salvation in running, reading, yard work and Barre Method. When you are feeling overwhelmed, try to employ one of your favorite activities to escape your anxiety. Again, distraction but with a side of physical and healthy activity. =]
  3. Consciously think about the fear/anxiety/excitement scale. Choose to move yourself over just a notch (usually that’s all it is) from anxiety to excitement. If you were excited about this thing, if everything could truly go right, how would you feel? What would it look like? Stay there.
  4. Talk it out. Get on the phone with someone and get your anxiety out in the open. If it festers, it grows bigger. Nip it in the bud, out yourself and let saner minds help you through it.
  5. And get into motion. (Item 1 again, because it’s important).
Lastly, remember this notion. No one wants to see you fail. Your audience (life companions, the other ‘actors’ in your personal show) are all rooting for you.

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