Monday, July 21, 2014

Motivation Monday: Risky

Today as I was writing my weekly update to my 17 scholarship students, I remembered a saying while walking through the business administration building to get to class: "the biggest risk is not taking a risk."

I made note of this almost daily as I walked through school, contemplating my future. I was one of many that had no direction after college - my mind was changed with every class, professor and book. But alas, I knew I wanted to take a risk.

So graduation came and went, and I was leaving on a jet plane for Alaska. While my experience was short lived, my journey taught me that I am adaptable, courageous and flexible.

Now, 11 years later I'm in sunny San Diego, working within the non-profit sector, attempting to inspire and shape young adults' minds in hopes for them to find happiness and success with a little risk.

But I haven't taken a risk in years - my life is predictable, vanilla and safe. So, with no plan in motion, I'm writing this post as a way to motivate me to embrace risk once again.

Not sure what that means at this point but in order to honor the mantra I held closely as a young, curious college student I need to branch out beyond my comfort. I need to take a risk. Whether big or small; insignificant or life-changing; my goal is to try something new each month.

Check out this article for inspiration. And challenge yourself to take a risk.

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