Monday, November 25, 2013

Motivation Monday: Forgiveness

Thanksgiving is the perfect excuse to remember your blessings, spend time with your loved ones and divulge without regret. But it's also a time to forgive and forget - a practice that is key to your personal freedom and happiness but unfortunately one that isn't exercised enough. At least on my end.

So, this Thanksgiving I plan to focus on forgiveness, allowing myself to be relinquished from some negative energy and control that has impacted my life as of late. Without being too personal (but rather abstract), I have been harboring frustration for unfair treatment, inconsistency and borderline bullying. Meditating, ignoring, confronting and venting has produced minimal results, which is why I decided to rise above and forgive this person. Keep in mind, forgiving doesn't discount any antagonistic acts but rather allows room for growth and opportunity for potential friendships, collaborations and happiness. 

Here are some guidelines to forgiveness:
  1. Put pen to paper (or fingers to key). Why are you upset? How have you been wronged? How did it make you feel? Be completely real and raw. This is a private conversation - so don't hold back. This act provides you a safe space to word vomit your frustration without regret which is very cathartic. 
  2. Empathize. Put yourself in their shoes - why do they respond the way they do? What makes them tick? What are they going through? Practicing empathy is very healing. It's a reminder that we are all human, none of us without flaws or mistakes.
  3. Learn. Every situation in our life, but especially the negative ones, can teach us something. Be grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow.
Doesn't forgiveness feel good? I feel better just typing this blog post. =) I hope this inspires you to forgive and forget. In the meantime, hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

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