Monday, February 18, 2013

Motivation Monday: Unstuck

Are you stuck in a rut? Tired of your social activities? Work? Relationships? Here are some signs that indicate you might want to make some changes in your life.
  1. Everything is harder than it should be. Nothing is easy.
    You are out of sync with everyone and everything. You seem to encounter constant delays, unexpected problems and issues; everything takes an exerted amount of effort. Nothing you do seems to move you forward no matter how hard you try. 
  2. You feel like you’re constantly ending up in the same situation
    You try so hard to change things yet the more you try, the more things stay the same. 
  3. You lack joy, you’re tired, you lack enthusiasm
    Deep down you know something isn’t right. Your heart tells you that you’re not in the right place and you’re not going in the right direction.
  4. You worry about everything
    You don’t have confidence in your decisions and you’ve lost touch with your inner self.
  5. Life just feels like it is a constant struggle 
    Physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally you are drained. 
Okay. Now what? Well, employ some changes!
Plan a trip! Summer 2011, welcomed my 30s in Italy!
  1. Get moving!
    Many times, when you are in a rut emotionally, it's directly related to your physical well-being. So, get physical. Go for a walk, bike ride, run, swim or gym sesh. Sometimes you just need to rid your negative energy by gaining a little sweat. Check out some quick and easy ways to get moving.
  2. Clean your surroundings
    You are a product of your environment; so, if your house, work station, vehicle or (heaven forbid) your closet is a mess you feel like...guess what? A mess. So, get yourself organized. Purge, clean and clear the decks!
  3. Stop a bad habit
    More often than not, if you are in a rut you probably engage in a bad habit (or two, or three...). Maybe it's drinking, smoking, sleeping late, eating unhealthy, gossiping or negative thinking. Bad habits tend to ignite ruts and vice versa. So, kick that bad habit to the curb! Give yourself an achievable goal, be realistic and make positive changes. Habits take about 28 days to form; so, why not start today.
  4. Recruit a coach
    Find a friend or family member that can serve as your personal coach; someone you are held accountable. Knowing you are not alone in your journey for self-improvement inspires you to REALLY make those changes. And, who knows? You might motivate your coach in the process!
  5. Plan a trip
    Whether it's a weekend getaway, stay-cation or a big European trip, planning time outside of your everyday life gives you something to look forward to. Start researching Expedia, Priceline or Trip Advisor for some inspiration!
  6. Give back
    Helping others or your community provides you a sense of purpose. See my previous post to learn about ways to volunteer your time. 
  7. Care about your appearance
    Looking good makes you feel good. So take care of your appearance. Workout, pluck, style your hair, wear make-up, paint your nails and...well, try! Little enhances will make such a difference.
  8. Take one step at a time
    Rome wasn't built in a day. Take baby steps. Make sure your goals are tangible and realistic; and don't be too hard on yourself. A step is a step in the right direction.

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